Discover French Still Life Tapestry

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Items That Do Not Move

Woven in France and made of 100% cotton this is a fabric art wall tapestry that is a true sight to behold. A still life tapestry that includes a variety of inanimate objects is typically considered to be one of the more attractive pieces of artwork. Any art piece that includes items that do not move is considered to be still life. While some objects used in still life art have been symbolic in the past other times simple items are used just as a way to create beautiful art. From cut flowers to fruit and a variety of other items, still life artwork can convey beautiful colors, shapes and incredible perspectives.

Still Life Flower Tapestries

A French Still Life Tapestry is the perfect addition for any interior design project. From a bedroom to a living room or hallway, this type of wall tapestry can enhance virtually any interior space. From still life flower tapestries to fruit tapestries and a number of other inanimate objects, interior spaces typically stand to gain from the addition of this type of art. The French Still Life Tapestry created In France has deep rich color and sharp detail that creates a three-dimensional textile fabric piece of artwork. The end result is an art piece that gives rise to the perfect look for any room and even a gallery or museum.

Still Life Fruit Images

Explore the possibilities with still art wall tapestries to create the next unique interior design project. From modern-day symbolism to simple still life depictions, one thing is certain and that is that this type of tapestry can give a room and added boost. With the addition of still life flowers or still life fruit images, a room is transformed into an interesting and inspiring space. Colors, shapes and unique perspectives transposed into textile tapestry art are the perfect way to design a room that is unique and that has a completely custom look.


Save On Tapestries is a leading online purveyor of beautiful fabric art, oil paintings, canvas art, and afghan throws, as well as pillow covers and tapestry accessories. Go online to and learn more about these beautiful interior design enhancing pieces of art.

Author: Charlotte

Hi There! My name is Charlotte Noro and I am the marketing manager at, a wall decor store based in Northwest Washington. Ill be updating the blog with tidbits, how-to's, and art related news. Subscribe to our blog and stay up to date on the latest in wall art and home decor news.

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